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Monday, January 24, 2011

Exercises to Get Rid of Excessive Barking

The most common reason I see excessive barking is lack of exercise.  Build your relationship with your dog and build you and your dogs confidence by going on controlled walks, playing games with toys and treats, fetch, tug of war, obedience, and even exercises of the dog sitting quietly next to you, then in other rooms of the house, and in his crate.  This will exercise his body and mind and he will be less likely to bark for no reason.  But you must put in the time.  Exercise the dog yourself or hire someone to do so, and spend 15 minutes a day on different exercises.  Like, 5 minutes on learning not to bark, 5 minutes on a new obedience command, then play a new game for a while that incorporates exercise.  For instance, put your dog on a stay where he can see you, hide a treat, and tell him to ‘find it’ or whatever release word you like.  Eventually you can put him in another room on a stay and hide a treat where he can’t see, then have him find it.    Soon, when he does bark, he will quiet down when told.  I have a yapper on my hands and she barks at many things!  But when I tell her to be quiet…she becomes quiet.  It’s possible!
Now, when correcting your dog, make sure you follow through with it.  MOST IMPORTANT. 

Excessive Barking

I was at the park with one of my dogs today and we encountered a very excited pup barking her pretty little head off.  Probably one of the questions I get asked more than any other is how to stop their dog from barking so much.  I won’t lie, it’s not easy to figure out or fix, especially if your dog has been an avid barker for quite some time.  So, if you want to fix it, start NOW, or right after you finish reading this :-D .
Dogs bark for so many reasons.  It’s necessary to know why before you start.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Puppy Barking

Puppy barking needs to be nipped in the bud gently.  We don’t want to damage your relationship with your dog before it begins, but you need to make it known that excess barking is unwanted.  Making an odd sound, or clapping your hands, or even a light poke with your fingers in his side can distract him enough to stop.  But you must remember with a puppy there will be a lot of repetition, so whatever method you use, be prepared to us it over and over.  Consistency is key!  Also, do not give any positive attention to puppies that whine.  You may think you are comforting them, but you are actually encouraging the behavior.  Puppy thinks, “Great, when I whine, I get attention!”  When they are whining in their crates at night, you must tough it out.  Yelling does no good even though I know you want to.  By yelling you are still giving the puppy the attention he wants.  Try putting a blanket over the crate to lessen distractions and light. Try to make it feel more like a den to him.  After all, he probably just left a family of other dogs and isn’t used to it yet.  But he will come to love his den/crate if done right.  Never let him out when he’s whining or over excited (goes for all dogs).  Just sit in front of his crate, calm and assertive.  Let him come out when he is calm and quiet.  Treats are good to use here too.  I always put treats in my pups den/crate.  It is a comforting place for them.  If that doesn’t work, put the crate next to the bed, and slowly wean the dog into another room.  Just don’t break down and let him in the bed!  Stay strong!